House Republican Caucus Chair
Rebecca Dow
Rebecca has dedicated her life to serving New Mexico, the state she loves, where she started her business and raised her family. Rebecca embodies the bold New Mexico spirit that enables her to lead with integrity.
Rebecca was first elected to the New Mexico House in 2017 where she passionately defended New Mexico jobs, fought to deregulate industries like oil and gas that provide so much of the state’s income, and successfully challenged powerful opponents of our basic, inalienable rights.
Along with owning a technology and consulting company, Rebecca is the founder of several non-profits in Sierra County designed to help children and their families thrive at low or no cost to them. These include award-winning and nationally accredited programs including early care and education, home visiting, college and career preparation, and comprehensive family support.
As the founder of one of Sierra County’s largest employers, Rebecca has worked hard to create more job opportunities for New Mexicans, opposing job-killing regulations and policies while promoting free market solutions. When state leaders with radical environ- mental agendas planned to put thousands of New Mexicans out of work, Rebecca was there to pull back on the reigns and save families from losing their livelihoods.
Rebecca has consistently pushed back on radical policies that threaten our traditions and freedoms. She stood with nearly every sheriff in the state to declare their county “Second Amendment Sanctuaries.” She also built a coalition dubbed the “Save Our Western Way of Life” PAC comprised of law enforcement, ag producers, outfitters and guides, and hardworking New Mexicans with a mission to elect, good values-based candidates for office.
Thanks to her extensive background in both business and childhood education, Rebecca has been appointed to serve on various economic commissions, councils, and task forces for both Democrat and Republican Governors. She is recognized as a state and national expert on faith-based and early childhood education, called upon to advise and speak to numerous groups around the country. She is a founding member of the New Mexico Early Childhood Alliance and founder of a center for teenagers called "The Club.” She is also the founding chair of the Sierra County Juvenile Justice Advisory Council, a member of the New Federation of Independent Businesses, and a member of the Truth or Consequences Rotary Club.
Rebecca holds an associate degree in Early Childhood and a bachelor’s degree in Business Management. She is married to Aaron Dow and they have two grown children, Jaylah and Seth. Rebecca and Aaron live in Truth or Consequences.